The Power of the Network!

The “Social” Network (no reference to the movie!) is, and will always remain, the most powerful yet most underutilized network known to mankind!  And today, more than ever before, it’s become the most important network you need to actively participate in!  It not only has tremendous utilitarian benefits but its new social benefits are incredibly persuasive in this digital age.  Nowadays, the more people you know, your ability to influence becomes greater because you have a semi-captive audience that’s ready to listen.  Think about it… who’s potentially got more leverage – the person with 100 Facebook friends or the one with 5,000?  As the world becomes flatter, your ability to stand out from rest of the pack becomes more challenging and requires a new strategy and subsequent tactics.  Ultimately, it’s up to you to decide – do you want to be a big fish in a small pond or a whale in that same small pond?  I don’t know about you, but you can call me Orca! Continue reading “The Power of the Network!”